Sunday, September 9, 2012

Job hunting

So I have been here for eleven days and have had a couple of job leads, I guess you could call them that. First of all I am not even sure what I want to do. I want to be an actress but I am not crazy enough to realize that I don't need a side job. Spent some time on craig's list looking at nanny jobs but I don't think that's for me. I need a job that will allow me to pursue my dream of being an actress. There is the usual waitress job which I hear a lot of budding actors do but that's really not my thing. Of course if I am still jobless in a few weeks I might change my mind. Applied for a sales job at a gift shop, that would be a fun job. I wonder how flexible they would be... The dream job would be to teach private art lessons. I think that is where I could earn the most AND be able to make my own schedule! So I will make flyers and put them up in the city. Hopefully, that works. So if you know of anyone in NYC that wants art lessons feel free to give them my info.

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