Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I did it! I did it!

Last Thursday I participated in a one night workshop. It was an opportunity to perform and I took it. There were eight of us and we each spent 15 minutes working on one song. My friend Rance coached us. I sang "I'll Know" from Guys and Dolls.

It went so well! I don't know what happened. I wasn't nervous. I didn't care what other people thought of me. I just jumped right in and sang, making any adjustment he asked for. The second time I danced while I sang. The next time I sang it like a stalker. This was so fun! I was committed and went with it. After that I sang it like I would never marry. The last time I sang it like I was trying to convince myself that I really would know my love when I saw him. This I believe is the true meaning of the song. It went well. I wasn't nervous but was rather concerned with how well I was acting. The other performers said it was beautiful, one girl looked like she had tears in her eyes.

It was so fun to sing without nerves! I felt so liberated, I was not weighed down with care of what the others would think of me. I was shocked by my behavior. I didn't expect such confidence! I didn't even beat myself when I sang the wrong rhythms or words. I was pleasantly surprised with myself. It felt so good!

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