Saturday, May 4, 2013

Other auditions

A few weeks ago I tried to audition for a musical. I can't even remember what is was, oh I remember it was Beauty and the Beast, the touring company. I would love to be in that show! I went in the morning, this time not early enough. There were about 150 people already there. I had to be at work at noon and wouldn't be able to wait around so I came home. Thus paying bills trumped my audition. Responsible? Yes. Depressing? Yes.

Then I went to this dance audition for a summer theater in New Jersey. I know, I said I wouldn't go to anymore dance auditions! I went and they had us do a little fox trot diddy and a tap number. Yep, I should've left when I heard about the tap requirement but I stayed and faked it. It was awful! What am I thinking? Needless to say I didn't make it very far!

I beat myself up for going to this auditions that I can't do but maybe it's not so bad. I have heard several stories of people doing poorly at auditions but so and so was there and remembered them so they were invited to do a different project. And I'm an actress. I was acting the part of a tap dancer. Lol! Do you like how I try and make myself feel better? It's all about getting experience. Somehow I don't think I'm getting smarter at this auditioning stuff. I will have to work on this!

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