Friday, December 7, 2012


A couple of Sundays ago my roommates and I went to see "The Messiah". We saw this great deal on tickets and just had to go. Of course later I learned that there are all of these free places to see it. But hey, we saw a great performance! I must say I think it is the first time I have listened to the whole thing from beginning to end. It was beautiful! I was tired. At times I felt myself being lulled to sleep by the heavenly music. But besides nodding off I couldn't help but wonder if those people in the audience were religious people. Did they know what they were singing about? Did the soloists? Did the chorus? Did they realize that Jesus is the Messiah? He is the Messiah! This is why we sing, not just because it is a great work of music but because it's true. The Messiah has come and we are saved from death and hell! Is there anything more glorious to sing about? I don't think so. I am so grateful for my testimony. It is one of, if not, my most prized possession. I know Jesus is my Savior, the Savior and Redeemer of the World and that makes me want to shout "Hallelujah"! I know He lives. I know I am a member of His Church! Is there a greater blessing? I am so grateful for this!

A bad picture of the chorus. The orchestra was gone because it was intermission.

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