Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day #2 of musical theater workshop

This week I am participating in a musical theater workshop. Every night a different casting director comes to work with us. It is great exposure and a rare opportunity to get feedback from those in the business.

Last night we worked with Rance Wright, a manager/coach and director of the workshop. There are five other people performers in the group and everyone of them has an agent. When I found that out I knew I didn't belong. I became very intimidated and rightly so, because they were all amazing! They have all performed on tours and had many jobs. Then I went up and sang my songs. It was awful! Let's just say there is a reason I didn't write a post about it. But after a few tears, prayers, and a good night's sleep tonight's performance went much better.

I sang for Jason from Binder Casting. My two songs were "I'll Know" from Guys and Dolls and "My New Philosophy" from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. I made it through without letting my nerves get the best of me. I enjoyed singing the songs and got some awesome feed back. Now I know what to work on with those songs.

I am not sure what changed or how I was able to come back from a night like last night but I am sure happy with the results! Actually, I might know what made the difference. As I was praying last night I got the impression I needed to be more humble. Crazy, isn't it? In this industry of confidence and "look at me" I was prompted to be more humble?!? But when I think about it I was intimidated by the others because I was comparing myself to them, I knew I was not as good as them. This made me feel anxious and uncomfortable, incapable of measuring up. While praying I realized I should be grateful to be in a class with them, watching them perform and being able to learn from them. This is a more humble attitude. It was my pride that was threatened by them, making me more nervous and self-conscious. So today I tried to be more humble, content with where I was. Instead of comparing myself to others I tried to be satisfied with who I am and where I am at. With this attitude I was less nervous, it was easier to be confident.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you Liz! Great job! You prayed and got an answer and you followed it, fantastic! Love you!

    your sis
