Saturday, January 11, 2014

2013 Wrap Up!

Good bye 2013!
Because my entries were rather sparse during the second half of the year I have included a few of the highlights….

September- My Aunt Lynette and Aunt Joanna came to visit. We saw Cinderella. We also went out to eat and shopped a little bit. I worked full time the one week they were here.

October- I did another workshop with Rance. Performing for casting directors always makes me nervous but I love the workshop setting because I get feed back. It was a great experience! 

November- Paul, Emily, and Josiah came out to visit me for Thanksgiving. We played in Central Park, walked around Times Square and Rockefeller Center and ate in Chinatown. It was a great time!

Enjoying a salted carmel shake at Harlem Shake. Yum!

Teaching Josiah how to drive, it's never too early to start.
December- I still cared for my charge and attended auditions. I went to my sister’s for Christmas. We had a really good time playing and talking. The French Sunday School class sang a French carol in Sacrament meeting. They want us to sing again, which we will do. I also played my flute in church. I celebrated my 35th birthday with a few great friends. We went to dinner at Tony Di Napoli’s. It was a lovely time! I can’t believe I am 35, in fact I try not to think about it!

This sign greeted me when I entered my room at my sister's house!

Making a gingerbread (graham cracker) train.

My sister's beautiful family reading the Christmas story, makes me think of that line from Pride & Prejudice (LDS version)? "If she wasn't my best friend I would probably hate her." I am glad we are friends!

A little trampoline fun! Making popcorn!

The year was full of fun and family. I had many visitors for which I am grateful. I love it when family and friends come to visit. I am blessed. It was a fabulous year. Here is hoping 2014 is just as good, if not better!

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