Why isn’t what I am doing enough? Why do people have to ask questions like “Where will you move next? I hear the singles scene is better in this city, why don’t you try there? How long will you stay in NYC?” Hell, why can’t I just live my life? Why can’t I just do what I love and let that be enough?! I know, I know, you all know I want me to get married which is why you bring it up but for once can’t you just be supportive and ask me about what I am doing? Believe me when there is a potential guy you will hear about it. You all claim that I can be a happy person on my own but then are unable to treat me that way. Plus, I am constantly being reminded that the grass isn’t greener on the other side, married people have problems too (fyi I hate this argument, single people have problems too but can you blame me for not wanting to face these problems alone???) So in one breath you say the grass isn’t always greener... and in the very next one you are trying to convince me to move to DC or Salt Lake or maybe California. Really?!? Besides why am I the one who has to go traipsing around the country looking for him? Why doesn’t he come and find me for a change? I want a guy who is motivated to look for his better half (aka me). This is why I am going to stay right here and pursue my dreams, not matter how long it takes; time is the one thing I do have! So if any of you meet whatever his name is and see that he is searching for me, his better half, please tell him where I am which is right here in NYC participating in the many things that I love, the most important one being the Church! And that is enough!
I do not mean to point fingers at anyone that might have prompted this post. Though there are a few family members who might be guilty, I hold no ill will towards you. I know you are just trying to help. No doubt these conversations bother me because the voices in my head are saying the same thing! The point is I am not mad at anyone I just had to get some things off my chest. I do appreciate everyone's prayers and thoughts in my behalf as I patiently wait for my other half, I couldn't make it without your help. Thank you!
Stick to your guns! You can't spend your life waiting and trying to "put yourself in the right place". You have to live the life you have right now, doing your best! Love you!