Last Monday during acting class I got to be in another students skit. The teacher called me up and told me I was going to do my specialty of persuading my friend to go on a double date. This made me laugh. I guess he liked the last time I played that role. This time I was to go to my friend's apartment and convince her to come to a Tea Party rally where there will be all kinds of guys we can meet. Easy, I thought. Boy was I wrong! The other girl in the class, who was playing my friend is from China I think. She speaks very little English and doesn't really know what the Tea Party is. So I went in and invited her to come with me instead of going out with her friends. I tried to explain that there would be all kinds of men there dressed in nice suits. We could just mingle and chat with the ones we wanted to. She then said we could just go to a bar and meet some guys. A bar?!? No way, I said, you never know what you are going to get there. These guys at the rally are intelligent, they have ambition and passion! Afterwards it occurred to me that I probably just insulted every person in the class. I am thinking they have all been to a bar to meet people and I did just imply that people who go to bars are not smart and ambitious. Oops. I was definitely being myself, saying stupid things and insulting people when I didn't mean to. Anyway no one in the class said anything. One girl commented afterwards that she loved my character. Little does she know that is who I am and what I am like! Glad she thought it was funny and that I was being a 'character'.
Anyway, I tried and tried to convince my friend to come. But she refused. When I told her I didn't want to go by myself she was quick to point out that it is easier for guys to approach a girl that is alone than one that is with friends. Well, I couldn't argue with that one. I tried all of my manipulative techniques, even ending with guilt telling her that I was going to come home with all of these phone numbers and she would be missing out, but to no avail!
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